Neuro-Structural Chiropractic vs. Traditional Chiropractic

To easier explain what we do, allow us to first explain what traditional chiropractic does.

Your typical chiropractor has 3 primary goals:

  1. Temporary reduction in pain
  2. Decreasing muscle spasm
  3. Decreasing inflammation

Not to say these aren’t noble intentions…and some do a good job at addressing them.

However, at Vivify Chiropractic, we thrive on the challenge of looking deeper. We focus on assessing and corrective rehabilitation of the neurological and structural function of the body, and how those complex systems interact with each other; affecting the overall function, health, and well-being of the body. …not just pain reduction. The great thing is, when function improves, pain does also. The protocols we’ve developed is called Neuro-Structural Correction (NSC).

Our cases come from a variety of sources: pediatricians concerned about scoliosis, attorneys wanting his or her accident client evaluated, mid-wives’ expectant moms, or other South Miami, Coral Gables, Doral, and Kendall medical doctors’ difficult cases. Most often though, our folks come from our existing patients. We take this as a huge compliment. We take our mission very seriously, and we welcome our patients to help us in this most important task to help the sick and suffering.

No matter how they come to us, these patients typically have some sort of neurological loss of function, affecting their spine leading to spinal degeneration, misalignment and a host of further health problems caused by long term nervous system disturbances. These often show up as some type of “symptom”; we call Secondary Conditions.

For many years, we’ve been developing our specific approach to restoring normal function by addressing the underlying cause, neuro-structural dysfunction. …the primary cause of these secondary conditions. Why? …because repairing your car has a much greater, more profound, and longer-lasting effect than simply covering up the “check engine” light with tape.

Where A Consultation Is A Conversation – NOT A Commitment

Neuro-Structural Shift? ==>

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