Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

We invite you to discover if Vivify is right for you, and we believe you should be able to do so, without any pressure or cheesy sales tactics. The comforting nature of our consultation is why so many refer their friends and family to us. You would never want to be responsible for sending a loved one into a hostile, stressful situation, would you? Of course not!

Our consultation is just a friendly conversation.

  • To begin, you will have the opportunity to tell us about what led you to us.
  • Next, we’ll take a minute to explain what we do at Vivify and how we’re very unique and difference, even compared to most other chiropractic offices. We will provide you with an overview of chiropractic, and then explain how our focus – Neuro-Structural Correction – is quite different than traditional chiropractic.
  • Lastly, we’ll dig into your health, and thoroughly explain our discovery process to determine how you could benefit from a customized, Neuro-Structural program at Vivify. …And by-the-way, if we conclude we aren’t the appropriate provider for you, we’ll let you know that too, and advise you as to the direction that will lead to the best and quickest recovery of your health.

A consultation at Vivify, is not a commitment. So many chiropractors push you into an examination room, practically, before even know your name. We’re not into that. We enjoy understanding you as a human being, as well as the cold hard facts of your health condition. If you decide to proceed with an examination with us, we want you to feel comfortable with us and that decision.

The consultation will take about twenty minutes. …maybe more if your have a lot of questions. It’s our pleasure to take as much time as necessary. The primary goals are to leave you with a greater understanding of your health, and to satisfy all your curiosities regarding Vivify and our care.

Following your consultation, you are more than welcome to proceed on that day, or on a future date with a complete Neuro-Structural examination which will include:

  • Digital photographic structural analysis
  • Thermographic nervous system evaluation
  • Complete sensory, motor, and proprioceptive neurological evaluation
  • Complete spinal function evaluation
  • Computer analyzed structural radiographs

Once again, there is no charge for our consultation, and there will be no high-pressure sales gimmicks.

To schedule your consultation, call 305.661.4775, or fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

What if you don’t necessarily want to sit down with a doctor?

What if you just want to learn more about chiropractic, the types of chiropractic care, and how we design our programs differently than other chiropractors in South Florida? …not a problem! Every two weeks, we host a 20 – 30 minute workshop that will have you walking away understanding chiropractic better than most chiropractors! We’ll even take time afterward to answer any and all questions, in a group Q&A session. Duration of care, insurance, finances, and just about anything you could ever want to now will be covered. All you need to do is call the office at 305.661.4775, to RSVP.


Where A Consultation Is A Conversation – NOT A Commitment

Neuro-Structural Chiropractic ==>

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